
Before painting, metalic surfaces of the parts are duly treated their quality level are determinated, the preparation method and technique are selected etc., so that the coating would be of high quality.

Abrasive cleaning

If surfaces of the parts are covered with rust, metal oxides, slag and so on, the layers of paint or primer have to be cleaned – this can be done by manually polishing or by abrasive blast cleaning.


These processes are fully automated in the company. The parts are phosphatized with Zn-Mn-Ni phosphate.
Dešimtyje pakopų atliekamas nuriebalinimas, Zn-Mn-Ni fosfatavimas ir pasyvacija chromo neturinčiais preparatais.


100 % surface quality control

Mūsų įmonėje dangos kokybės kontrolė atliekama pagal skirtingų klientų vizualinius priimtinumo kriterijus. Pagrindiniai fizikiniai parametrai, tokie kaip storis, blizgumas, adhezija tikrinami įprastai.

We also partially apply the TS 16949 standard regulation: the procedure of verification of all painted parts is strictly regulated; the quality of parts is coordinated with the end customer according to the PPAP, EMPB and reference samples. The “zero failure” policy is implemented in the company. The surface quality indicators of the company are recorded by the company and also by some customers.


Detalių pakavimas atliekamas pagal užsakovų reikalavimus arba sukuriamas ir patikrinamas įmonėje. Pakavimas atliekamas įvairiais būdais ir metodais, derinant kainos ir kokybės reikalavimus, atliekamas tiek įmonės medžiagomis/tara, tiek pateikus užsakovui.


Mūsų įmonė atlieka tam įvairių jau nudažytų metalinių detalių surinkimą. Mes taip pat presuojame PEM varžtus ir veržles, įvores, spyruokles, klijuojame lipdukus ir kt. 


Labeling is performed according to the internal rules of the company and/or the requirements of the client. We mark the packages according to individual demands; we print ODETTE labels, barcodes, etc.


Most orders in the company are executed according to the EXW conditions. The company does not have its own transport means, but it closely cooperates with several transportation companies and can offer really good supply conditions of components.

Powder coating

The pretreated/primed parts are also coated in the company using the powder coating, that is, electrified particles get stuck onto the surface of the part. If the parts are heated in the oven to ~ 200 °C, paint particles thermoplastify – they melt and cure.

The coated parts can be:
• degreased,
• phosphatized,
• or coated with the E-coat/KTL which, in this case, acts as a primer. This two layer coating is standardized and most often used for painting of trucks and agricultural machine parts.

E-Coat (KTL)

The method of the electrophoretic cathode metal coating (KTL or E-coat) is a finished technological process used for coating of metal surfaces with a thin, solid, one layer, and corrosion-resistant paint coating.

The prepared parts are coated in a paint bath (~ 20 m3), where paints using an electrical current are precipitated onto the cathode. The excess paint is washed off so that to get an even coating. The paint is dried at high temperature ~ 200 °C.

The E-Coat (KTL) ensures the even coating and of the desired thickness not only for geometrically complicated structures, but also for the inner cavities of the parts. The possible coating thickness of parts is from 15 to 35 microns.

The E-Coat (KTL) can be used as a basic coating or an epoxy basis for liquid or powder coatings. The E-Coat (KTL) is a standard method of coating used in the automobile industry for more than 25 years and which is the best price-quality ratio.

The E-Coat (KTL) technology is environmentally friendly since the amount of volatile organic compounds is <1%.

E-coat (KTL) coating is corrosion resistant according to VW TL260 + TL227 , BMW GS 90011 LASW3, DBL 7391.50 and many other OEM coating requirements.

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